Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mombrier July 21

One of the first things we saw today were two deer out near the vineyards. These were not the two I saw the other day but younger ones, one was smaller than the other. At least I got a photo this time before they ran away! 

Today was a peach for breakfast and then we headed out to the Bourg Farmer's Market. We weren't exactly sure where it was but we found it. Surprisingly, it was right near the little cafe where we ate, in that large square or gazebo area and a bit of the surrounding area. There were almost all the items that we saw in Blaye yesterday but on a much smaller scale. I was surprised to see the same man selling roasted chickens here too! We didn't really need anything because we stocked up yesterday. We bought a few potatoes and some dry beans I had been looking for for my cassoulet recipe. The best part was the boulangerie right by the market that had freshly baked baguettes! The place is an actual shop, not just for the market day set up. Our baguette was still warm when we bought it! After a quick beer to cool off, we headed home. We were going to stop for something at Carrefour but it apparently closes at noon. I guess that's why the parking lot was overflowing earlier. We could hardly wait to slice that warm baguette anyway! We did have a piece with butter as I sliced more and chopped parsley and celery for Stuart who is making the chicken salad. We had some delicious open faced sandwiches with the fantastic bread, an epicurean delight!

We had a small slice of the baguette mid afternoon with some cheese. We skipped our original dinner plan and had two more slices of the baguette, toasted in the oven with butter, and we added our choice of cheese spreads. Not to ignore the veggies, we had cherry tomatoes, some olives, and artichoke hearts as well. It was so delicious and we are already talking about going back for another baguette soon!

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