Monday, August 5, 2024

Mombrier August 4 & 5

Aug 4: Up and out by 4a. The trip into Bordeaux was uneventful, except being as dark as possible. On our 2nd or 3rd attempt to find the right fuel station, we never managed. We will pay the ridiculous fuel charges because there is no one to call for help at 5am. Next we attempt to find the parking garage where we must return the rental car. That took a couple tries as well but we did find it. We caught our train at 6:30a as planned. Toting the heavy suitcases, changing trains, etc. It took a toll on us today. Stuart helped me with mine so he is extra exhausted. By the time we arrived in Barcelona we decided to get a taxi to the airport instead of a 3rd train. Our flight left on time and was uneventful. Again, 12 hours in the air after already being up 13 hours in the car and on the train. We are tired. Stuart got candies for the flight attendants and they brought us a little glass of champagne. A mere 12 hours later we landed in San Francisco. It took about an hour to get through everything and Uber to the hotel. We ordered Door Dash pizza and collapsed into sleep right after that. It was a very long day we do not wish to repeat! That said, we are safe and sound in the USA.

Aug 5: Up and out. Stuart headed to the airport in the hotel shuttle for this flight home. There was a delay but he made it home safe and sound. I took an Uber to the rental car location. From there I drove to Hollister and met my little great grandson Noah Lee Wakeman. I ordered Door Dash for our lunch and we had a nice visit. I left about 3p with ETA home at 5:02p. However, that ended up being about 6:30p. There was a fire road side on Pacheco Pass which made a long delay. Anyway, home safe and sound. I planned to spend the night in Hollister but instead I just wanted to get home. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Mombrier August 3

Today is the day to start the packing process. I fixed our last breakfast here, probably our last meal here. We walked around to see all the clean up work they have been doing in the out buildings the past couple of days. It is well organized and now they have even more storage. They have some interesting antique items and of course, farm equipment.

Stuart went into Carrefour in Bourg to get a few things. We gleaned the fridge and cleaned out the freezer. I spent some time putting things like pillows and things back in place like they were when we arrived. Suitcases were packed, garbage delivered, and then we got ready for our 8p dinner with Paul and Fanny. We took them to Halle Italienne tonight for a farewell dinner. We had a lovely time. What good friends we could be if we actually lived here. They are a delightful couple. 


Friday, August 2, 2024

Mombrier August 2

Today we are going to take care of some details preparing for our departure. Laundry was the first order of the day. We went into Bourg so I could get more Euros at an ATM, I like having a decent supply for my next trip to Europe! We made sure we know how to refuel the car so we don't have any issues in Bordeaux in the wee morning hours Sunday. We spent a bit of time collecting our various things that found new homes here. At least I didn't buy anything at all this trip, so everything should fit in my suitcase! I did look for specific tea towels I liked, but never found any. 

On our way back from Bourg we took a little side trip to Chateau Beaulieu, a winery by the same name is in Napa Valley, and I wanted to see it. Lovely place, but closed. Stuart read there are a lot of things closed in July/Aug as it is typical vacation time here in France. We took a few other little roads, one was even dirt with grass growing in the middle! Fun little outing. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Mombrier August 1

I'm rather sad to see August arrive. We have just 3 full days left. This morning they were again pulling posts out of the abandoned vineyard. I suppose if we ever get to come back, something else will be planted there! 

Stuart fixed us a sort of relish plate for lunch, which included celery, carrots, salami, cheese, olives, pickles, etc. Trying to use up everything perishable that we can. We did all the usual things today including my scrapbooking, games, Stuart's writing. In addition, Stuart wanted more photos of the bee boxes, so he went down there a managed to get stung. Not much swelling, but it is really red. Stuart made scallops for dinner, which were delicious.


Mombrier August 4 & 5

Aug 4: Up and out by 4a. The trip into Bordeaux was uneventful, except being as dark as possible. On our 2nd or 3rd attempt to find the righ...