Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bordeaux June 25

We are getting better! We did nothing but play some games today. Oh, Stuart went to the market again. We have supplies enough to last us through our stay. We had some not-quite-ripe peaches today, still good flavor. The store has no tissues so it is my job to tear off 2 squares of toilet paper at a time and make a nice stack for our runny noses! It's a full life here in Bordeaux. This afternoon we put a small ice cube on the top of an open wine bottle and watched it melt. The purpose was to see how long it took, but we forgot to time it!

We checked all our AmaWaterways Taste of Bordeaux paperwork and everything is in order. It is going to be a fun river cruise and I hope we are really well enough to enjoy it. 

It is still warm as we head to bed. There is supposed to be A/C here. We have not tried it yet. It has cooled off nicely overnight. There are large French doors, 2 sets, in the bedroom so the outside air can really come in. Tomorrow is supposed to be 94F so we will probably check out the A/C by then. Glad we are getting better. 

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Taste of Bordeaux July 2

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