Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bordeaux June 26

Today is our last full day at this Airbnb. I have grown used to it and the stay has been pleasant enough. Stuart made breakfast, fried potatoes, eggs, and sliced tomatoes. I just had the potatoes and tomatoes - Tasty! I cleaned up the kitchen and laundry got started. Since it is very warm today there should be no problem drying things on the little rack. 

We need to pack to check out of here by 11a tomorrow morning. It can probably wait until morning since we kept almost everything in the suitcases. There was only a tiny place for hanging clothes and no drawers to be found. The large wardrobe in the photos was not for our use, it was locked. 

It's been fine, but feeling better and hopefully plenty of energy for the upcoming river cruise!

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